During last Wednesday night's World Series game Microsoft decided to reveal details on its rumored smart watch, Microsoft Band, that it has been developing. the smart watch brings a new twist to the already existent smart watch market, and Microsoft is planning to compete with Apple and Android for the leading spot in the smart watch market. The watch is designed to work with Windows phones (no surprise), has a variety of sensors to track body movements and behaviors such as a gyroscope and a galvanic skin response sensor , and is similar in appearance to fitness watches of today. The watch should be released at a similar date to when the iWatch is going to be released.
Link to article with more information on Microsoft's new smart watch:
I think that it is great that Micorosoft is developing a smart watch to compete with Apple and Android. In my opinion (I praise this a lot in these blogs) competition in the technology industry helps to drive the innovation that happens. One of the features I like the most about the Micorsoft Band is that it is able to connect with your smart phone. This is cool because instead of taking your phone out of your pocket to take calls you can just press a button on your smart watch and talk to your friend. The watch will be able to notify you when you are receiving calls, text messages, emails, and much more. I think that the ability of the smart watch to be able to connect to your phone will be a common feature for most smart watches. I also like the smart watch's operating system is designed to look similar to the newer Windows operating systems. This makes your whole mobile experience have a clean and uniform look. I am also looking forward to this smart watch because of the amount of unique sensors that it has on it. It may not seem like a big thing, but the more data that the smart watch is able to take in about its surroundings the more it is capable of doing with the apps that it has on it. A lot can be done with an accelerometer, a compass, and an internet connection. I am also looking forward to this smart watch because it is made by Micorosoft. This means that more people will have access to the software that is required to make applications for the device. The applications for the watch also use common programming languages such as visual basic. This is not like apple products, which use a coding language that is only usable on apple products.
Overall, I think that is great that Microsoft chose to compete with Apple and Android for its stake in the smart watch market. I hope that the competition between the powerhouses of the mobile technology industry will drive the smart watch to bigger and better places.
Word Count: 489
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