With the release of Apple's Apple Pay coming around the corner and the recent security breaches of big corporations such as Target and JP Morgan many people are worried about the safety of their credit card information. In order to ensure the safety of its customers Apple has worked in close coordination with banks, credit card companies, and retailers to develop a system that is efficient and that helps keep things private.
Link to article where the details of the system are explained: https://www.yahoo.com/tech/heres-how-visa-plans-to-keep-your-credit-cards-safe-in-99672113099.html
Personally, I think that the efforts that Apple is taking to ensure the safety of their customers' personal information are great strides compared to what has been done in the past by other attempts at making electronic payment systems. Apple has used a great level of coordination with retailers, banks, and credit card companies in order to develop their Apple Pay system. I am glad that the system that they developed helps keep the process of paying for items as simple as possible. One thing that I think is great about the system that they set up is that the code that links your phone to your credit card and or bank account cannot be used to gather your personal information. This means that hackers, who will most likely be able to find some way to gather the codes, will not be able to use codes that they have acquired to tap into the bank information of their victims. Another great feature of the payment system is the ability of the owner of the phone to disable the ability for their phone to be able to make payments. This means that if you were to lose your phone or have it stolen you could call your cell phone service and make it so that anyone who might have your phone wouldn't be able to run up your bills. Although this part of the system might seem to be a no brainer, it is a great part of the system that adds an extra layer of information safety.
I think that Apple's Apple Pay is a great step forward for the consumer and technology worlds. Apple Pay is a perfect example of ways that technology can be used to make everyday tasks more convenient. Since the this is going to be the first version of the payment system there are going to be some bugs (you can't really avoid that), but I am pretty sure that one thing you can expect is that your credit card and bank information will be kept safe. I am very impressed with the thought and shear amount of work that went into developing Apple Pay on Apple's hand. Hopefully the launch of the system will run smoothly so the idea will catch on with the public so everyone can take advantage of this great technology.
Word Count: 466
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