Last Thursday FBI Director James Comey spoke about the affect that smartphone encryption will have on law enforcement in the following years. During his speech he concluded that smartphone encryption would end up having a negative affect on the law enforcement process and that smart phone encryption really didn't have that much of a purpose other than as a marketing scheme. This sparked a lot of controversy over the topic.
Link to original article with more information on the issue and the speech:
Personally, I think that the encryption of data stored on smart phones will be a good thing for the safety of the public. While it may lead to a slower processing time of things like murder cases phone encryption will help tremendously with problems that face most of the public that are pretty serious. Phone encryption will help keep the data that people have stored on their phones secret and only accessible by them. This will help keep stuff such as credit card numbers from getting into the wrong hands. Also, with the ever increasing encryption levels on smart phone data, less information will be leaked out to foreign governments and organizations. This will end up protecting the United States as a whole because data on a population can be used for lots of terrible things.
I am looking forward to having increased encryption levels on the data on smart phones. I think that it would be pretty bad if someone were to get my phone and take all of the information that it had about me that was on it.I also think that increased data encryption will be great because it will make the public calm down about the Edward Snowden incident that involved the government.As technology becomes even more lodged into everyone's lives even more important information will be put onto our devices. Hopefully increasing security measures will help to keep that information personal.
Word Count: 320
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