Last week apple announced its new iPad that it will be releasing soon. It is called the iPad Air 2 (the iPad Air 1 was released last year), and it boasts a lot of improvements upon the older versions of the tablet. These improvements include a screen that reflects less light, a 40% faster processor, and faster wi-fi capabilities.
Link to the original article with more information on the features of the iPad:
I think that the improvements that apple is making on the iPad are pretty good. Apple plans on making the tablet even more slim than it already is (the tablet will be less than a quarter of an inch thick). I think that this improvement is awesome because when using a tablet you will most likely have to be holding it. By making the tablet thinner and lighter, apple is making it easier to hold. This trend is going on in all areas of current day technology. People are figuring out ways to pack the same amount of processing power in smaller objects. I only see technology getting smaller and smaller until it is so small that you barely even notice the device itself but instead notice the features of the software. Another improvement that apple is making upon the older versions of the iPad is making the screen less reflective. This is awesome because I think that using an iPad or any other mobile device that has a screen outside is a complete pain in the butt. It will be nice to be able to use things such as iPads outside without losing your sight in the process. Apple also took steps to improve upon the camera. The camera now boasts a higher definition, but that is really it. I don't think that they needed to improve upon previous versions of the iPad's camera because people usually don't take their iPad to tourist attractions to take pictures with it and they usually don't usually iPads to take pictures of themselves to put on social networks (that is what phones are for nowadays). The new iPad also features a TouchID system that makes it so that it works with the new Apple Pay system. I think that this is pretty cool because Apple Pay is going to be used by many mainstream retailers, and it is made out to be a much simpler way to pay for items at places such as grocery stores and online.
Personally, I think that the steps that apple is taking to improve on its previous versions of the iPad are in the right direction. They are doing a great job of improving upon the basic concepts of the iPad. Hopefully, though, apple will take some steps in the future to make more noticeable changes to the design of the iPad to help keep the tablet world moving along.
Word Count: 478
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