Sunday, April 5, 2015

Android Apps Can Now Be Run On iMacs

Recently the teams over at Android have been working on a way for mac users to play with their favorite applications on the iMac. This has been tested by multiple people and apparently works pretty well. For many they said it was a very smooth experience that the touch interface was integrated well with a mouse and keyboard. Many also said that the bigger screen made the user's experience better.

Overall I think that it is pretty cool that Android is making a move to expand their products into the personal computer market. This is a pretty big step for the company because the personal computer is one area of electronics that they really haven't expanded their products to. This is largely because Microsoft has a very large stake in the personal computer market. They dominate everything that has to do with a desktop, monitor, mouse, and keyboard. Microsoft also runs Windows, which is the most popular operating system for personal computers in the whole entire world. This means that Microsoft has control over most of the software that is on personal computers because their operating systems provide an interface for users to develop software. I also think that the fact that Android is trying to make their operating system available to personal computer users is cool because the android applications will now be available over the chrome web store. This means that we will now be able to download our favorite applications onto our personal computer, which allows for easier integration between phones and personal computers. This will make it easier for software developers to make applications that work with both your computer and your phone to provide a more streamlined and complete experience. I also think it is cool that applications will be available on the chrome store because users will be able to download games onto their computer. This is cool because phone games generally tend to take up less resources than computer games, which allows people with mediocre personal computers to take advantage of all that their personal computer can handle. The addition of mobile games to personal computers will also be fun because they tend to be pretty good for burning some time while you are bored, which would help a lot when my family goes on car trips to California during the summer. I also think that it is pretty cool that Android is moving their applications over to personal computers because it allows for people to be able to get more money out of the applications that they pay for. Now, instead of only being able to use an application on your phone or other mobile devices you will be able to use it on your computer. The new interface for applications will also make it easier to access your information that you have on your applications from different areas because you will no longer need your phone to access your smartphone applications. Now you will be able to get on a computer at a place such as your uncle's house in California and you will be able to download all of the applications that you will need to do things. For example someone could come up with a work space application for their work and make it compatible with your computer and your smart phone. When you are at your house you could use your computer to access the data base application, and when you are out of your house, say in your car, you could use your phone to access it. The application could include many things such as a secure email service and a word processor so workers could use the technology that they have to make themselves more productive. I also think it is pretty cool because it will provide more practice for software developers to develop applications that work both on the personal computer and on Android devices. It is also pretty cool because people will be able to run the applications faster on the personal computer than they can on smart phones and tablets. An example of this can be found on the calculator. Math teachers at my school use an application on their computer that is a virtual replica of the ti-84 calculator. Because the processing power of the personal computer is so much better than the processing power of the typical calculator, the computer does things such as graphing a lot faster than my calculator does. This ends up making the process of making calculations more efficient. This would also be true for Android applications that are transferred over to the personal computer. They would be a lot better and faster because they would take advantage of the superior processing power that the typical personal computer has over the typical smart phone or android device.

Overall I think that the Android is taking steps in the right direction by developing an interface in which users can transfer their applications over to the personal computer. I think that it is a great opportunity for Google to penetrate into an area of marketing that is, for the most part, guarded by the technological giant, Microsoft. I think that Google's efforts are just a part of many effort's made by the technology departments in various different companies to streamline the experience for the user and make peoples' lives more efficient. I can't to see who wins the race and becomes the next Microsoft.

Word Count: 905

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