Recently there has been a surge of tech executives standing up and taking a stand against recent laws that have been passed in Indiana that allow business owners to deny service to certain customers based off of religious beliefs. This has outraged many because it is basically a bypass for companies to use when they want to limit their service to people of a certain race or sexuality. The first notable CEO to step out against these bills was the CEO of Apple, who has openly said to the public that he himself is gay. Prior to this week a pact that was comprised of 40 large company executives was acting against the bills set up by the state of Indiana by limiting their trade to the state and stopping promoting it. Recently, in this last week, 30 other corporate executives have joined the cause and signed onto the pact. These include executives such as the CEO of Microsoft, the CEO of Intel, and even the CEO of Netflix. They too has shown considerable efforts to stop the bills by denying certain services to companies in Indiana.
Overall I think that it is pretty cool that the tech industry is putting all competition aside and uniting to make the world a better place not just through their technology but by humanitarian efforts. I think that it is a brilliant movement because the tech industry really has the power in this modern age to help shape today's society for the better. I think that it is great that they are against these bills and not for them. Without the help of these large corporations I would think that the state of Indiana would become a failure, so I would not see a reason for the state to keep the bills in act. I am also glad to see that the tech industry can make a change. For me personally it has brought a more personal touch to electronics. I have come to realize that behind the development of every piece of technology that I touch there is a person on the other side that has opinions and thoughts about the same world that I live in. The overall support from the tech community for this charge has also made me realize that the internet and technology have helped inspire people to search for equality and a better life for all people, not just the privileged. Many people don't realize that things such as the internet are like an equalize for today's society. Given a computer and a couple of programs people can create many different things and do many cool things such as playing games. Nowadays all you have to do to have a safe and fun experience at your home is buy a computer. Although computers are seen by many people in the public as things that are only meant for nerds and that they make it so that people have no social life I think that computers bring about opportunities for people of different backgrounds to accumulate a wide range of information at one source. I also think that the internet is great because it can be a way for you and your friends to keep in touch all the time and get work done as a team. I always talk to my friends on Skype or on team speak and we play games such as Counter Strike and Call of Duty. It is really fun because we are able to play pretty complex game that involve team work and a lot of skill. I have actually improve my teamwork skills through online games. The internet has also provided a great way for me to work on school work with my friends. Working on school work with my friends over the internet is not only more efficient but it also makes it so that I learn the material better. This was true for AP World last year. When we got a new assignment for AP World me and my friends would get on the computer and do the assignments. We would critique each others' work and make sure that we had key points in our assignments. This ended up making me learn the material better, and I think that it was the main reason why I got a five on the exam. I also think that the internet is mainly composed of people who are liberals. This is especially true on websites that are based on a community of people. Many liberal groups of people have arisen from the internet, such as the group called Anonymous. Although not all of the reasons that Anonymous have attacked corporations have been well justified, it is safe to say that in general they fight for equality among all people.
Overall I think that it is pretty cool that the large executives of the tech industry are putting aside all of their differences and uniting for a single cause. I am glad to see that there are true people behind the development of the devices and programs that I use everyday that have the same views on equality that I do. I think that it is great that some of the large corporations in the United States today are willing to stand for the ideals that this country was built upon (technically). Overall I am very glad that they are putting together a very strong effort to help get the bills appeal. I could not see a reason for the state of Indiana to not appeal the bills, because if they didn't the state would go down the drain.
Word Count: 936
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